Digital Architecture Technology System – New Way of 3d printed Houses.

The first phase – Project, 3D Digital model. You can choose and download one of our Houses from a library or choose our Project Service and let us design a customized project for you. The 3D project already includes built-in furniture and preparation for all non-printed technological elements (glazing, water pipe, drain pipe, WC, el. technology…) there’s no additional labour needed, just klick in these elements or thread the pipes and wires through the prepared tunnels.

You can control the progress with multiple visualisations during the project phase and decide the features of the house to suit yourself.

Then we need to convert finalised 3d model to the Gcode format compatible with our MultiBig001 3D printer. Our MozaSlicer creates specific multi-format Gcode (multi-head collaboration and anti-collision virtualised software system). We also need to tune the flow, temperature, retraction and some other values, this all depends on the material characteristics we use.

Before the printing process you can choose our in house produced base 3D Filament material.

Basic biopolymer can be filled with local waste materials.

We use our own in-house developed and produced 3D filament material PolyHouse 20-70. Basic biopolymer enhanced with additives can be filled with a variety of bioparticles from 20-70% (waste wood, clay, sand and so on…). This thermoplastic biopolymer carrier is set after printing with UV lamp.

MultiBig 001 – portable multi-head additive machine. Thanks to this multi-head printing platform solution, we can achieve very detailed print resolution even on very big objects with reasonable print time.

This platform is equipped with an auto-positioning sensor system, so it can move unrestricted on all axis with a build volume of 4x4x5m from one location.

If needed, the printer base is moved to the next location, detect position system is activated and the print task will continue. With this in mind, you can make a theoretically unlimited number of objects. Most of the time the print job is managed by only one operator, with a simple supply chain (electricity, PolyHouse biopolymer and local filler).

After the machine has done its job, all you have to do is instal glazing panels, create a floor surface and click in the non-printed elements (glazing, water pipe, drain pipe, WC, el. technology…) you don’t need any additional labour, just klick in these elements or thread the pipes, wires and lights through the prepared tunnels.

For instance – the house needs to breathe…, on this picture you can see both in and out internal air-conditioning tunnels connected to the recuperation unit.

Digital Architecture Technology System – New Way of 3d printed Houses. Observatory, a one-man small building demonstration project created with our MultiBig 001 (portable multi-head large additive machine), you can save up to 95% of craftsmanship and 50% of project time.

You can choose and download one of our Houses from the library or choose our Project Service and let us to design a project, especially for you. Only the sky is the limit…